We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
It is as much as most people remember, but it does ring of poetry, doesn't it? There is a certain cadence to Mr. Jefferson's pen as he writes it.
Oh here we go again! We fail. We fall. We stand back up. And we look to our dreams, once again. But the question remains the same: are our dreams the same thing as our happiness? I bluntly proclaim that they are not! Our dreams are merely an image that we create in our minds - an image that inspires us, motivates us, compels us get off our duffs and move toward happiness. If I wish to take advantage of my right to pursue happiness, I must not give up. No matter the obstacle. No matter the hindrance. No matter the misstep. I must never give up.
My dreams are a spring that propels me forward into my future. Whether that future is a happy one may or may not be true, but hey, I stand back up, and I keep chasing dreams. Perhaps, from time to time, I will catch one. I know from experience that this is true.