- Just because everyone else is making resolutions, does that mean I have to (If everyone jumped off a cliff, would I follow them?)?
- Who said I can only attempt to improve myself on January 1 every year?
- Is there a rule that says I can't make more than one resolution?
That being said, if you are a parent making resolutions, consider the following:
- Get my child to school on time every day.
- Ask my child about his/her day.
- Diligently read every note that is sent home from school.
- Listen to my child read every day.
- Take time to explain things to my child, including daily news and ethical choices.
- Finally get my child to master basic facts in all four computation areas (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
- Read to my child every day.
- Start and maintain a back-and-forth "journal" with my child.
- Help my child with work when necessary.
- Ask my child to explain his/her work.
- Get both sides of the story before advocating for my child.
- Set a good example for my child, knowing s/he watches the same screens I do, sees the places I visit, listens to my speech and my tone, and notices how I treat my spouse, family, and friends.
- Attend family events when they are offered at the school.
- Begin a positive family tradition.
- Work to make my home a safe, stress-free place for my child.
- Stop to appreciate the responsibilities and blessings that come with being a parent.
to learn from mistakes,
and of course to wonder, explore, and discover!