We ponder our places in the world, in the grand scheme, and we wonder if there is something we might do, something we might say or do - or be - that will make the world a better place. Are we better people because we eat? Are we better when we diet? Are we healthier? Do we pass plates of positive possibilities to our children?
If you really are what you eat, might I recommend a menu for this, and every, day?
Mercy Peace Goodness Kindness Cooperation Honesty Conviction Initiative | Responsibility Joy Patience Laughter Gentleness Compassion Courage Resilience | Creativity Self-Control Determination Health Wisdom Empathy Reverence | Endurance Passion Understanding Love Respect Freedom Happiness Tolerance | Faith Satisfaction Positivity Growth Maturity Gratitude Perseverence Respect |
Your bill will reflect payment in full, because the only things you are required to pay are those parts of yourself that oppose what's on your plate.