I have never ever seen a class like Mr. Hoggatt's. Ive been in it for 4 and a half mounths and I LOVE IT!!!!
Mr. Hoggatt is the most AWESOME Teacher! I Really love it there. All the students in Mr. Hoggatt's class work together like a family.
IM gonna miss my class we only have 4 and a half mounths left. I just dont want to leave! This will be proubly be the only class I will remember.
I Love this class. Spend our Family time wisely. I Love you guys!!!
That's the title of a paper left on my table, this week, by a student. "Since we didn't have homework," she tells me, "I made my own." Here is what the paper said (unedited):
The first design challenge for the Motion and Design unit was to create a vehicle that travels 100 centimeters (also known as one meter). The photos below are our contributions. A couple of design flaws have now been identified and corrected.
This year's competitions will be different from those of years past. The first contest will be at SBU, on Saturday, January 25. As you can infer from the following schedule, we will need to meet at a very early hour (5:50 am) in order to catch the bus to Bolivar, Missouri. We expect to return between 4:30 and 5pm. The Cecil Floyd's PTA will pay for our breakfast at the Mt. Vernon McDonald's, as well as all of our registration fees (which include lunches in the university cafeteria). I will get a note to you with the information as soon as possible. The second competition is in Joplin. Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School hosts the contest on Saturday, March 29. We will meet at the contest site, and more information will come when the date gets closer. If you want to practice and prepare for the contests - and I hope you do -
download the samples on this page: Number Sense, Sprint, Target, and Team tests. Congratulations to HALIEGH and CAMERON! In classroom competition rounds, they qualified to be our representatives in the upcoming Cecil Floyd Spelling Bee. Classmates FAITH and KIELYN will be our alternate contestants. The date for the school bee has yet to be set, but these students are encouraged to study the Joplin Globe Spelling Words to prepare for it. They will make us proud. With safety goggles donned, our engineers begin their study of Motion and Design. The first steps included a safety induction, taking inventory, and a simple design challenge - to create a vehicle that can travel 100 centimeters.
We have a late start for this, but we will be using these K'Nex building materials for a series of Motion and Design challenges. Stay tuned.
Here is Wednesday's explanation, from the Joplin Schools facebook page,
for the making up of our bad weather days. Students are often called upon to read "chorally". That is, they read together simultaneously as a group. Repeating this practice assists young readers with reading fluency - the speed, accuracy, and inflection of oral reading. Why not, since it's called "choral" reading anyway, actually read the chorus of a song? When we break apart the skills involved in reading comprehension, we are constantly amazed at how many skills there really are. We use the same skills when we watch TV shows, listen to music, and view advertisements. They are everywhere: in magazines, in newspapers, on the radio, at the movie theater, and on television. It is important that we protect ourselves from marketing "tricks", which are intended to "hook" the viewers/readers/ listeners. Perhaps the product is cheaply made. Maybe it isn't as it appears. Is it worth the price? Is it something you need? Let's dive right in to a commercial and hone our reading skills along the way. The commercial below is for a soft drink we all know - Dr. Pepper.
For more information about these six reading skills, see Reading Like a Reader.
After our extended break - which includes some cancellations for extreme weather - Ms. Hennessey, our principal, misses us. Don't tell Ms. Hennessey, but I must admit, I do enjoy Snow Days. And now, for some tongue-in-cheek commentary and questions concerning this presentation:
Once you get past the first part of this video - when the guy takes a dip and makes a snow angel in just his shorts - this guy shows you some great ideas for appreciating the snow. Try some of these tomorrow, but beware that when throwing hot water into the air, most of it is likely to fall back down on you, perhaps causing burns. In temperatures like we're having, however, you shouldn't be outside for more than 15 minutes. Also, please wear sufficient clothing. Report cards for the second quarter will be distributed this Friday, January 10. There are no parent conferences scheduled for the second quarter, but if there are any questions, please contact me by posting a response to this post (It will not be public, and I will delete it upon reading it.). Include an email address as that is the quickest and easiest way to communicate.
For the first quarter, 36% of the Hoggatteers were on the Honor Roll, two of those students earning straight A's. This time around, our percentage rose to 41%, again with two students earning straight A's (albeit two different students. All of the same students are on the list for a second time, but we were fortunate to add another for the second quarter. Certificates for the Honor Roll recipients, as well as for Perfect and Quality Attendance, will be publicly awarded in a school assembly, this month. We will soon find ourselves in the process of determining the top two spellers from each fourth and fifth grade classroom to compete in the school spelling bee. The winner of that bee will be eligible to compete in the regional spelling bee, help at Missouri Southern State University (MSSU), during Spring Break. If you want to prepare, or help someone else prepare, the words are provided on the Joplin Globe's Newspaper in Education website. Please note, competitors at the regional level will be responsible for studying all grade level words (plus the lists of hard, harder, and hardest words). MICHELLE, a student in my class a few years ago, qualified for and conquered the regional competition at MSSU. She is still featured in the photograph at the top of the Spelling Bee webpage. It's interesting to note that more than a couple of Hoggatteers have won the Cecil Floyd contest, beating out all other fourth graders as well as the fifth graders. |
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