- What are the first things a baby needs to learn?
- Is this really a video for a person "on their first day", or could it be for us?
- What can you do to make the world a better place?
- Does the world have a reason to be glad you are here?
- Explain why love is louder than hatred ("even if hate has a bullhorn").
- What, besides "We're glad you're here", do we need to say more to each other?
- What does it mean to teach someone to "be a person"?
Let's face it: from the moment a person is born, s/he begins learning. Take four minutes to watch this video: Now for some questions:
With practice, this could be a nice and impressive way to multiply two-digit numbers: It's time to apply some force to our K'nex vehicles, in the form of rubber bands. Students worked together to change a single variable and then test and retest From our vantage point, not much has changed on the construction of the community safe room and gymnasium. The changes since last reported on this website were actually made last weekend. No longer can we see clouds through the ceiling, and the outer brick facade can bee seen through the windows on the back wall.
Passion is a strong word, but it can be used to describe a person's desire to do a certain activity that s/he enjoys doing or believes is right to do. I have several things about which I am passionate: my faith, my family, and my profession being three that come to mind. Traveling and writing also help to fill my life, and I enjoy doing each as often as possible.
![]() The list of nominees for the 2014/5 Mark Twain Award may be seen at right. I have read one of the books already, thanks to the recommendation of a former Cecil Floyd teacher. I will likely begin reading the rest sometime after our annual Book Fair, which usually coincides with our third quarter parent conferences. As these are the recommendations of Missouri librarians, they may be some of the better books that are offered for fourth through sixth grade readers. "Reading is the sole means by which we slip,
involuntarily, often helplessly, into another's skin, another's voice, another's soul." (Joyce Carol Oates). What powers a vehicle? What keeps a vehicle moving? Does an added load slow a vehicle? Does more power speed up a vehicle? What makes a vehicle faster? What helps a vehicle carry more? These questions have now been answered, at least in part, through the experiments of the day. On one end of the string: the vehicles created from a technical drawing. On the other end of the string: a hook on which hangs washer weights. When the number of washers is increased, the vehicles move quicker. When weight (wooden blocks) is added to the vehicle, more washers must be used. Students timed their experiments and recorded their findings.
![]() Knowing these divisibility rules can make short work of certain math problems. For example, divisibility rules are helpful when reducing, or simplifying, fractions. Another type of question that might arise could be like this one: Which is the following is evenly divisible by 9?
Here are the basic "tricks" to use when determining divisibility: Divisibility by 1: all whole numbers are, of course, divisible by 1 Divisibility by 2: the number is even (it ends with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8) Divisibility by 3: the sum of the digits is divisible by 3 Divisibility by 4: the last two digits is divisible by 4 Divisibility by 5: the number ends in 0 or 5 Divisibility by 6: the number is even and the sum of the digits is divisible by 3 Divisibility by 7: an example follows:
Divisibility by 8: the last three digits are divisible by 8 Divisibility by 9: the sum of the digits is divisible by 9 Divisibility by 10: the number ends in 0 Divisibility by 11: add every other digit beginning with the units digit. Subtract the sum of the remaining digits. If the result is 0, the number is divisible by 11. Notably missing is a trick for determining divisibility by the number 7. For that, all "tricks" are complicated and more difficult than just doing the division to check it for yourself.
![]() Nominations are now being accepted for the annual Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Golden Apple Awards. The awards, presented by Empire District Electric Company and Missouri Southern State University, recognize excellence in the teaching profession. The nomination deadline is Feb. 7. Nomination forms will be distributed in our classroom, and all nominees will be recognized at a reception on March 4. The four award winners will be announced at the Chamber's annual banquet in April. Our latest lessons have focused on making and reading technical drawings. Students are expected to pay attention to the tiniest details, rather than appreciate the overall vehicle. Graph paper is provided for the drawings of their own group vehicles, and an excellent drawing is provided so each group could build an exact duplicate of the car we will use in future challenges.
After two weeks of winter break - and a bonus three days for the weather - we were back in school on Thursday, the ninth. Construction apparently continued whilst we were away, and we now have walls outside the main gym structure. These walls will effectively extend our hallway (the North Wing) to provide a quick entrance to the gym from our end of the building. It appears that the hall lighting will be assisted by windows (that hopefully will be impact-resistant from playground balls). The picture on the left was taken on January 9. On the right is a picture from a week later, January 16. After a week, the outside bricks (in the back of the building) are almost all laid. The site is cleaned up, and the roof/ceiling has started to take shape.
![]() The first digit of number being multiplied by 11 is the first digit (hundreds) of the answer. The last digit of the number being multiplied by 11 is the last digit (ones) of the answer. The sum of the tens digit and the units digit of the number will give the tens digit of the answer. If the sum is greater than or equal to 10, add one to the hundreds digit. For example: 43 x 11 = __________
Therefore, the product of 43 and 11 is 473. Now, can you apply what you learned here to work three- or more-digit numbers times 11?
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