to erase your mere footstep from the sand." (unknown)
"It takes a whole ocean and the moon
to erase your mere footstep from the sand." (unknown)
Sometimes, when we go to the movies or as we watch a show on TV, we are transported into the plot. Directors understand that their selection of background music can change and enhance a scene. Now it is time to turn it around. This time, the music comes first. Do not watch the video; instead, let the music lead your imagination. As it plays, allow it to transport you into a scene that has yet to be written. Then, write the scene. Use all the visual imagery you can muster in your writing. At the end, you will share your writing. Will it stand on its own, without the music in the background?
'Tis the season for Snow Days in our part of the country. While some moderately-nearby districts cancelled classes yesterday, we still had the opportunity to meet at the schoolhouse for a quality education. That doesn't mean we're not going to create a Snow Day of our own! Since learning about the Continental Army at Valley Forge for the last couple of days, we made our own snow using a polymer product similar to the polymers in baby diapers (polyacrylate). It was a fun way to connect with the deplorable conditions of the winter of 1777/8, when George Washington, Baron Von Steuben, and others trained and drilled the soldiers in preparation for the forthcoming springtime battles.
Sometimes, when we go to the movies or as we watch a show on TV, we are transported into the plot. Directors understand that their selection of background music can change and enhance a scene. Now it is time to turn it around. This time, the music comes first. Do not watch the video; instead, let the music lead your imagination. As it plays, allow it to transport you into a scene that has yet to be written. Then, write the scene. Use all the visual imagery you can muster in your writing. At the end, you will share your writing. Will it stand on its own, without the music in the background?
![]() In a record-breaking move, our 2021 class of Hoggatteers has done what no Hoggatteer class has ever done before. We now boast of 11 Multiplication Masters, adding ALEJANDRO and ELI since our last report to the previous Masters: ALICE, BROOKLYN, DOMINICK, HANNAH, KALLI, CALI, OLIVIA, PARKER, and PRESTON. In addition to these individual achievements, records are being broken. I have never had a class who averaged as high as this class, often forced to accept a class average of 88% as our high average for the year. Last week, this record (and as far as I know, our school record) was shattered as our class average reached 97.6 percent. That's 2.4% below 100, and it's only January! For me, it's a dream come true, something I didn't think would ever happen. “The suspense is killing me…I hope it’ll last.”
(Willy Wonka) Sometimes, when we go to the movies or as we watch a show on TV, we are transported into the plot. Directors understand that their selection of background music can change and enhance a scene. Now it is time to turn it around. This time, the music comes first. Do not watch the video; instead, let the music lead your imagination. As it plays, allow it to transport you into a scene that has yet to be written. Then, write the scene. Use all the visual imagery you can muster in your writing. At the end, you will share your writing. Will it stand on its own, without the music in the background?
"Take a deep breath;
you can drown yourself with problems if you don't ask questions." (Rosa Parks) ![]() Millions line up in front of their TV sets to watch celebrities as they receive their Grammys, Emmys, Tonys, and Oscars, while those of us who live in the rest of the world - teaching, doctoring, laying cement, collecting garbage, carpentering, clerking, and the like - are without the same level of pomp and circumstance. Over the last 31 years, I have been the privileged recipient of a few teacher awards and prizes, so when this year's nomination period for the awards opened up, I started thinking about what they have meant for me. Most people probably do not realize the work that is involved for the candidates once the nomination has been made. With the name in the running, the assignment to the teacher usually begins. There are usually some essays requested, a resumé, a listing of community involvement, and a lesson plan or project. Some candidates are not up to the task, and they drop out of the running, satisfied to have been considered. I've always felt like if someone took the time to give me the opportunity, I should be able to take the time to make an effort, too.
It is not only the award that I receive: the process is also a reward. So I sit before the keyboard now, asking myself, What has it all meant for me? I have to tell you, the answer is surprising. Let there be no mistake: obviously it has been an honor when parents and students have deemed me worthy of nomination, but there is more to the process than meets the eye.
I don't love you because you're the smartest
I don't love you because you're the fastest I don't love you because you're the prettiest or the best looking I don't love you because you're the strongest I don't love you because you're the most coordinated I don't love you because you are the most artistic or musical I don't love you because you are the wittiest or funniest I don't love you because you're the best player I don't love you because you're the best actor I don't love you because you are the best dancer I don't love you because you are the best debater I don't love you because you are the best student I don't love you because you are the best cook I don't love you because you have the best job or the best education I don't love you because I have to I love you because you are you - nothing more, nothing less It might be a stretch to tie in our "fitting" pattern blocks to "setting" the type on an 18th century printing press, but it's what we do. Last week, Hoggatteers had some fun trying to make everything fit with no spaces. They also played some short games to try to stump each other.
Sometimes, when we go to the movies or as we watch a show on TV, we are transported into the plot. Directors understand that their selection of background music can change and enhance a scene. Now it is time to turn it around. This time, the music comes first. Do not watch the video; instead, let the music lead your imagination. As it plays, allow it to transport you into a scene that has yet to be written. Then, write the scene. Use all the visual imagery you can muster in your writing. At the end, you will share your writing. Will it stand on its own, without the music in the background?
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