we made the following chart:
there would indeed be a hole in the universe.
A couple of weeks ago, as an introduction to studying Missouri history, we made the following chart: The purpose is not to make us feel small (but it does kind of do that, doesn't it?); instead, the purpose is to help us realize that we are part of something big. Without the Me circle at the center of this diagram,
there would indeed be a hole in the universe.
These are music videos to help math students who are struggling with multiplying numbers times two. Think of these as video flash cards. Work on these diligently, every evening and on weekends, at home, until you can work them quickly. If you need to, get some actual flash cards and study those, as well.
Missing a day here and there won't hurt, right? Research shows that absences, excused or unexcused, can add up to academic trouble. Students are often called upon to read "chorally". That is, they read together simultaneously as a group. Repeating this practice assists young readers with reading fluency - the speed, accuracy, and inflection of oral reading. Why not, since it's called "choral" reading anyway, actually read the chorus of a song? Our study about multiples (including the least common kind) led to an investigation into patterns, and that led to a side topic about tessellations. We even took a quick look at the artwork of M. C. Escher. Last week, we took a stab at making our own tessellations in the classroom. To make your own tessellations at home (or wherever you might have the supplies), begin with a small square. We used a three-inch by three-inch square (which happens to have an area of nine square inches). The square, of course, has four sides which we called the left, the right, the top, and the bottom. With scissors, cut a non-straight line from the bottom to the top without cutting any pieces off. You will be left with two pieces that fit together like a puzzle. Now, keeping the pieces oriented as they are when the puzzle fits together (In other words, do not flip or rotate them.), slide the right piece over the left, so that the straight sides are touching. Tape the straight sides together. Beginning in the upper left corner of a full sheet of construction paper, line up the straight top of the taped shape with the top of the paper. Trace the shape. Sliding it to the right so that the left side of the shape fits within the right side of the tracing, keep tracing the shape. When you have made it across the page, slide it down to make a second row. Do the same until the larger paper is covered with the tessellated shape. Trace over the pencil outline with a black marker. Finally, alternating colors, use your crayons to neatly decorate the tessellated masterpiece. Display it with pride; you have just tessellated!
Sometimes we never realize the effects of our actions. For example, I teach fourth graders - some of whom I will never see again once they leave my classroom on the last day of school. Yet, I know they take pieces of me with them. I pray not that they remember me, but that what I have taught them will stay with them. Take three minutes to watch this video: Now for some questions:
For a couple of days, we have talked about patterns (beginning with finding patterns in multiples). After a thorough discussion on the topic, we decided to go outside to find patterns in nature. Students were about to see repeating sequences in many different types of leaves on the playground. The next step was to find patterns in manmade objects.
When we break apart the skills involved in reading comprehension, we are constantly amazed at how many skills there really are. We use the same skills when we watch TV shows, listen to music, and view advertisements. They are everywhere: in magazines, in newspapers, on the radio, at the movie theater, and on television. It is important that we protect ourselves from marketing "tricks", which are intended to "hook" the viewers/readers/ listeners. Perhaps the product is cheaply made. Maybe it isn't as it appears. Is it worth the price? Is it something you need? Let's dive right in to a commercial and hone our reading skills along the way. The product advertised below is the source of some great childhood memories for many men and women.
For more information about these six reading skills, see Reading Like a Reader.
Our class is investigating rocks and minerals. In our observations, we have tested for hardness, light, streak color, shape, feel, magnetism, luster, and smell.
Construction on our new community safe room continues. The room, which will double as a gymnasium for daily use, will start growing out of the ground very soon. Initially, construction workers raised and leveled the ground to prepare for the foundation. Now, trenches have been dug for a deep footing, and the whole thing is being prepared for the pouring of concrete. Very soon, prefabricated walls will be trucked in and craned into place. Look for this process to begin in October.
Students are often called upon to read "chorally". That is, they read together simultaneously as a group. Repeating this practice assists young readers with reading fluency - the speed, accuracy, and inflection of oral reading. Why not, since it's called "choral" reading anyway, actually read the chorus of a song? We finally made it around to honoring our grandparents on Tuesday. We wanted to thank those important people who made their ways to the school for the event. We always look forward to hosting adults in our classroom and school, because it allows us to practice some of the life skills we have worked on. Hopefully, participants noticed the students' manners, their ability to approach, shake hands, and express their appreciation for their presence. We ran into some delays with the chips and queso, but all else went quite smoothly as grandparents observed a math lesson, then read and talked with their grandchildren. We attempted to sing our version of a song to them, as well.
When we break apart the skills involved in reading comprehension, we are constantly amazed at how many skills there really are. We use the same skills when we watch TV shows, listen to music, and view advertisements. They are everywhere: in magazines, in newspapers, on the radio, at the movie theater, and on television. It is important that we protect ourselves from marketing "tricks", which are intended to "hook" the viewers/readers/listeners. Perhaps the product is cheaply made. Maybe it isn't as it appears. Is it worth the price? Is it something you need? Let's dive right in to a commercial and hone our reading skills along the way. You may recognize the product below, but you probably never saw it this way.
For more information about these six reading skills, see Reading Like a Reader.
One major goal for our class is maintaining student engagement. Students do this by tracking, or maintaining eye contact with the current speaker - whether teacher, guest, or another student. I often use questioning to foster creative thinking, to direct deeper thinking, and to maintain attention. I expect students to have answers ready or admit that they need assistance. I expect other students to provide said assistance when asked. Another thing we do is move from workspace to workspace throughout the day - from the stage to the tables, from the tables to the floor, from the floor to the chairs. We try to do group activities and maintain appropriate, educational conversations.
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