Parents, I did discover that some kids tend to give up too quickly (Since tomorrow is Labor Day, that hardly seems right.). They must develop stamina for completing a task even when it seems unsavory to them; they must not quit. If you are reading this (and your are), please discuss this with your child: it is absolutely imperative that everyone puts forth a better effort this year than last. I have already found some holes in their prior learning, and we really need to make progress from the beginning and catch up. Now that we have settled in, let's not stay too comfortable with what we already know. As the song said, "We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there..." Let's get these Eagles flyin'!
With this, I hope to influence everyone to be more positive and supportive of one another. All of this has a direct influence on the academics, as well, and that's a good thing.