| Students are often called upon to read "chorally". That is, they read together simultaneously as a group. Repeating this practice assists young readers with reading fluency - the speed, accuracy, and inflection of oral reading. Why not, since it's called "choral" reading anyway, actually read the chorus of a song? |
I love this sound. Twenty-five students. All reading orally. Books of their choice. Simultaneously. The room is abuzz with fluency practice. We did this for 15 minutes on Wednesday, followed by 15 minutes of protected silent reading, during which students were encouraged to continue reading or reread the same books. I also love this sound! Watch the short videos below to see both steps to this "activity".
Once again, it seems time to reflect upon all the principals I have worked for through my 26 years in the teaching profession:
There are some important things to consider when preparing for this trip: 1. Wear old shoes that can get wet or slightly muddy.
2. Dress for the weather, however a light jacket is all that is necessary for inside the cave (60 degrees). 3. Please send a sack lunch (All leftovers and containers will be thrown away.). 4. Students may bring cameras, but remember the cave is dark. 5. Students may bring electronic games and music players (muted or with headphones) for the bus ride. These will be left on the bus. Read the sentence below. Do you see any problems? the principal encourages us to do our best good work @ all times. Do not rewrite the sentence. In fact, don't even fix the sentence. Instead, on your paper, tell the writer how to correct three things.
Watch this video and describe the situation: Write down the first mathematical question that comes to mind. As a class, we will decide on a central question to work on. Make three smart guesses to answer the central question: a guess too low, a guess too high, and a guess in the middle. Place your guesses on the number line.
What information is necessary in order to answer our central question? What information is provided above? What tools might you need to solve the problem? What strategies might you use? Solve to answer the central question. Did you make any mistakes along the way?
Fix them. How might you avoid such a mistake in the future? Explain your work to someone else. Did s/he do the work differently? Can you explain the process using the other person's methods? After reading Love that Dog, by Sharon Creech. This is a spectacular book, written in verse from a young boy's point of view. The reader is forced to infer the other part of the "conversation", where the boy's teacher reads poetry for the class to react to.
In one of the poems, the boy has just been exposed to a visual poem where the poet has made the shape of an apple with words. The boy's reaction is a visual poem of his own, in honor of his yellow dog. In our own reactions, students created their own visual poems.
I can't report that our trip to Missouri State University was a complete success. After a late start and a directional error, we finally arrived at the campus in time for a quick tour and lunch, before reloading the bus for school. Our hope is to encourage our fourth graders to start considering colleges earlier rather than later.
Augment: make (something) greater by adding to it Augment the sentence below to greatly improve it. Record your improved sentence on your paper. My pig rolled in the mud.
![]() We made cards. We signed a banner. We had an assembly. We shook hands. All to show our bus drivers and bus aides we appreciate them. Afterwards, the drivers were all whisked away for a special breakfast down the hall. It's hard to tell if they felt as important as they should feel, but we're glad we made the effort. Too often do we neglect certain aspects of our school community. It takes many people to keep this ship afloat, and when we all do well, it benefits our students. Driving a bus cannot be an easy thing to do. |
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