One of the mission stats is that this vehicle contains parts from each of the 50 states. In our own area, batteries are engineered and manufactured at Eagle Picher Technologies. Historically speaking it was the creative use of Eagle Picher batteries that saved Apollo 13.
Our prayers are with all of the folks at NASA in hopes that the launch and the mission are successful and that our scientists and engineers will learn from everything that happens.
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Just to think that he graduated with me. That his birthday is just three days after mine. That he comes from the same small-town (population: 7348). And that he successfully climbed the engineering ladder in his dream job
From the Archives (May 18, 1982)
How cool is it, though, that my paper was the first to document Darrell's experience with NASA, only to see his work showcased, today, in the international news story of Artemis I and the United States' reentry into moon exploration (and beyond).