As the ClassDojo mentor for our school, I get this report every week about our school, but I thought I would share it here for the first time. The numbers are impressive, but we should be especially proud of the last one: 92% positive feedback. In our class at the end of the hall, I always strive to keep things above the 90% mark for the class as a whole and above 80% for each student, no matter how many total points the student has accumulated. When our numbers slip below those percentages, a conversation is called for. We can look at positive points and points that indicate work is needed and hash out causes and effects for the lower percentages. In our class alone, we ended the year with 5,533 positive points, resulting in 90% positivity, just shy of the school's average and prompting me to think about adding a goal to our class for next year - that we will stay above the school average. |
While there are many other factors in play in our school and in our classroom, ClassDojo gives us a window into what is happening and allows us to focus on the areas in which we need to work on the most. In our class, the most red Needs Work points were given for Disrespect. Most of these times, disrespect means disrespect for peers' concentration and personal space. Other points were given for Irresponsible, mostly indicating that a student was off-task. Consequently, on the positive side, Responsibility and Respect earned the most points.
I think it is important for a teacher to review and rethink things at the end of each year in order to hone his/her teaching craft and keep things moving forward. It is what I ask of my students every day; why shouldn't I ask the same of myself?