Knox went to Ticonderoga in November 1775, and, over the course of three winter months, moved 60 tons of cannons and other armaments by boat, horse and ox-drawn sledges, and manpower, along poor-quality roads, across two semi-frozen rivers, and through the forests and swamps of the lightly inhabited Berkshires to the Boston area. Historian Victor Brooks has called Knox's exploit "one of the most stupendous feats of logistics" of the entire American Revolutionary War. |
(Liberty) Bell Work
Do the Math Find the sum of the letters of his name, using the scale below. A = $.01, B = $.02, C = $.03, D = $.04, E = $.05, F = $.06, G = $.7, H = $.08, I = $.09, J = $.10, K = $.11, L = $.12, M = $.13, N = $.14, O = $.15, P = $.16, Q = $.17, R = $.18, S = $.19, T = $.20, U = $.21, V = $.22, W = $.23, X = $.24, Y = $.25, Z = $.26 Quick Write What is the hardest job you ever had to do? Explain. | On Target Write the target number in the "bull's eye". In the 20 other open sections of the target, write equations to equal the target number. Today's number is 5,400. For example, if the target number is 36, the student may write expressions like the ones here (right): | 6 squared |
Word Work Using the parts in Paul Revere's name, create a list of words to fit in the categories below. Pay particular attention to spelling patterns.
| Word Word Wise Define the following words:
Sentence Surgery Read the sentence below. Do you see any problems? Do not rewrite the sentence. In fact, don't even fix the sentence. Instead, on your paper, tell the writer three things that need to be corrected. Hank saw an oopportunity and He taked it. | Sentence Augmentation* Augment the sentence below to greatly improve it. Record your improved sentence on your paper. The cannon was heavy. *Augment: make (something) greater by adding to it |
Art AppreciationAnalyze the famous painting shown here (right). Check out the details.
Interactive TimelineFor an interactive timeline, take your browser to the Henry Knox Museum. Liberty's KidsYour TurnGet ready for a strenuous (and fun) team race outside the walls of our school. | The Guns of TiconderogaThe video below was lifted from the John Adams miniseries. In this scene John Adams' wife, Abigail Adams, and their children encounter Henry Knox as he transports captured British Cannon to new strategic positions. Of course, the cannon were never brought through this area in real life, but it was a way to get the scene into the series. DiligenceAfter reading The Guns of Ticonderoga, answer the following questions:
I, CannonIn 1976, my family started a tradition. My grandpa made from scratch an operable, scale model of a revolutionary cannon. He cut the wood and lathed and bored the barrel. He fashioned the pins and chains. Once I saw his creation, my 11-year-old self wondered if we could fire the cannon, every year, on Independence Day. We have done so every year except one, beginning on that bicentennial occasion. You can see it very well in this video, but here goes: |
| What Is an Explosion?No, we will not make an explosion, but we can explore the science of explosions using some common household items, including some old film canisters, Alka Seltzer tablets, Mentos, and diet cola (These experiments require adult supervision.). |
Music Appreciation | Macaroni? |
Decide what life skill you would like to emphasize and go for it. Here is a verse for you to work with:
Yankee Doodle went to town | Yankee Doodle, keep it up |