Well, I think that's a wrap. I've seen some summer schoolers in passing, this week, as I have moved everything out of the classroom. It still hasn't fully sunk in that a 32-year career in a regular, public school classroom has ended. I have contemplated what I might say in the way of a farewell speech, but for once, I think I would just remain speechless. I could never do it justice. The classroom that was my second home for 27 years had to be cleaned out. Thirty-two years of teaching were stored in there, even if most of it had not been accessed in a while. It took a few trips to get everything crated, loaded, and hauled away. | |
As always, I am keeping the website updated with lots of content. Right now that includes the work I am doing with the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History in New York and the Lincoln Presidential Foundation in Illinois. The upcoming teacher institute at Colonial Williamsburg will be here in time, as well.
There are going to be several weird times when I feel this. When I turned in my keys, last week, there was a moment that I knew things were changing. When I took my name tag off the door and revealed the original wall color beneath it, there was a another feeling of something I still don't understand. I know it will happen again when school begins in August and I'm not there.