After saying all of that, we will begin with something that sounds much like every other class in the public school world - introductions, rules, and procedures. Hopefully, you will see right away, that even if the things look similar in the lesson plans, the Hoggatteer Revolution is like no other.
I know you will want to get right to the learnin', but we absolutely must get it through our heads that we are a family. We will support each other through our actions and speech. We will cheer for effort and for success. We will accept each other's idiosyncrasies and differences. We will find ways to celebrate our differences.
In fact, we want to identify our own mistakes, but in a safe and civil atmosphere. We will correct ourselves and help others when they have needs. We will work through problems painstakingly, not minding the investment of time when it will be beneficial to spend it. And then - again - we will celebrate the great effort to grow and learn. | |
Not only is there a teacher in Room 404; there are students who look for ways to assist others. In the last few years, Room 404 has earned a reputation of being very close: a family indeed! We install a foundation of passion, compassion, and good manners, we build memories, and we cap it all with academic rigor.