The first day's schedule for the Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute is focused mostly focused on a visit to nearby Jamestown Settlement and Historic Jamestowne. The day should be a blast of information and experience. After waiting for almost three years for this experience, I want to see the place where the first enslaved people were forced into service on our continent. I want to see where Captain John Smith met Pocahontas. I want to see the archaeological sites of Jamestown Fort. I'm ready for some walking and some study of the site. It's going to be a full, enriching time. |
7–8:15 a.m. Breakfast
8:15 a.m. Bus to Jamestown
9:00 a.m. Jamestown Settlement Guided tour of Paspahegh Town, ships, and James Fort and then explore on your own time.
11:00 a.m. Lunch
12:00 p.m. Bacon vs. Berkeley Analyze primary documents from Bacon’s Rebellion. Was Nathaniel Bacon right to rebel? Should his followers be put to death for treason? Defend your side in a debate before the King’s representatives.
1:00 p.m. Travel to Historic Jamestowne
1:15–3:30 p.m. Historic Jamestowne Enjoy a guided tour of the site, talk with archaeologists, and then time to explore around the site and in the Archaearium.
3:30 p.m. Exploration Time
4:00 p.m. Return to Williamsburg
4:30 p.m. Indentured Servitude to Slavery Chart the development of the labor system in the Virginia colony, from one primarily reliant on indentured servants, to one that depended on, and codified, racebased enslaved labor.
5:15 p.m. Orientation Walk