I found a coupon online that earns $500 for the first five donations before a certain date, which compelled me to try it now rather than later.
Finally in the chair/bed, needle in arm, the process took about an hour - again, longer than normal, since they monitor first-timers for 15 minutes after the process. I don't know how the process works, but during regular intervals, while the donor repeatedly flexes his hand, plasma is extracted from the blood. In the alternating times, the donor relaxes the arm and blood cells are returned to the donor. At the end of the session, fluids are automatically added into the body to rebuild blood volume. It's not difficult, it doesn't hurt much, and people with deadly diseases are helped.
It's pretty simple, and I have already booked next appointment for later in the week (One may donate twice a week.).
Before you leave the facility, someone loads up some money on a debit card and sends you on your way. I know my coupon is a pretty good one, but I will also earn a bonus after my eighth successful donation. There is also a bonus if I refer someone to try the process for themselves (By the way, if you are at least 18, fulfill the requirements, and find yourself making a donation, tell them Mr. Hoggatt sent you!).