Ella Ewing holds the distinction of being We celebrate the life of Ella Ewing, born on this date (March 9, 1872). Learn more about Miss Ewing and record your findings on the teacher-provided Happy Birthday, Missouri sheet. | Music Appreciation |
| Do You Measure Up?Use Ella Ewing's growth chart to mark her height on our wall (using adding machine paper). Using measuring tape to measure and record each height (and the accompanying date) as you find it in the chart on the link provided. Record your own height on the same paper. How close is your height to Ella's 12-year-old measurement? |
While We're On the Subject
Learn more about the tall people: |
A New Side Show
While it could be argued that these people earned money for their families by allowing themselves to be humiliated in a public display that called attention to their "defects", most frown on their exploitive treatment.
With that in mind, instead of paying to ogle people because of their physical traits (like Ella Ewing), wouldn't it be interesting if people were celebrated for their achievements?
What is your greatest achievement? Jot down some ideas about yourself and you major talent. Make a long list of adjectives to describe you talent and achievement (Enlarge the posters above for inspiration.) Use your notes to create a poster for the Hoggatt's Incredible Achievement Circus. You poster should fit in with the posters above.