You should have received the following statement from Joplin Schools:
All grades will be final as of third quarter. Next week, students and parents can expect to be contacted by their child's teacher(s) regarding the platform (i.e. FB page, Google Classroom, Canvas, class website, email, etc.) they will use to communicate and share learning activities. Beginning the week of April 6th, students can expect to find weekly videos and daily learning activities through the teachers' preferred platform. These learning opportunities will continue weekly during this closure period or until the regular school calendar concludes. Teachers have worked collaboratively this week to determine a few essential learning standards so we can best focus our lessons for your child. We want to provide a healthy balance for learning opportunities and family needs, understanding priorities in each home will vary during this unprecedented time.
We're ahead of the curve in this, but everything we're doing on the HOGGATTEERS@HOME site can be considered enrichment. Teachers meeting in the district have identified a couple of essential learning standards to focus on. Those may look a little different from the items I'm continuing to put together, so be patient. It will just be one more thing to keep us moving forward and getting ready for the fifth grade. |
- a character from the Revolution: Benjamin Franklin
- discussion quotes
- reading comprehension
- two important documents: the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution
- reading fluency
- inventions
- fact vs. fiction
- the printing press and more
- creative writing
- adding mixed numbers
- subtracting fractions from mixed numbers
- bonus content: physical education, read aloud, and science