3. MIckey's PhilharMagic
There is a 3D show at the Magic Kingdom called Mickey's PhilharMagic. Since there was no wait, I picked up some 3D glasses and went inside. I've seen this show before, but at least one new scene has been added to it since the last time I was there. This is a show that immerses viewers in special effects, occasionally spraying water at them, flashing spotlights and strobes on the walls and into the audience, and once, even spraying a noxious skunk scent. The 3D visuals are impressive.
In the short movie, Donald Duck finds Mickey Mouse's sorcerer hat (from 1940's Fantasia). Mayhem breaks out as Donald chases the hat through many scenes of Disney's animated classics. As Donald's fast-paced escapades carries him through the scenes, he flies and slips and falls and trips in classically Donald Duck style. But the audience around me was more entranced by the tiny girl sitting in front of me, right in the center of the theater. The girl, probably around three years old, sat low in her seat, and had the sweetest, most beautiful three-year-old giggle. Every time the duck splatted or was suspended above the audience or was shot in the sky, this nameless girl giggled out loud. No one tried to quiet her, and for that, the rest of us were truly thankful. From the audience, I heard, "That's precious," and "I just love her." They, as I, were enamored with the giggle, and whatever entered the lenses of our 3D glasses didn't matter any more. All the special effects were overshadowed by this tiny, joyful voice. |
And tears welled up in my eyes. I didn't care. In the mostly-darkened theater, I let them stream. No one could see me, and even if they could, they didn't know me, so it didn't matter. They were the tears of realization, again, that I have been blessed with a rich life. It doesn't matter that there have been bumps and valleys along the way - moments of heartbreak and struggle; all that matters is that in spite of those difficult adventures, God has blessed my family in so many unexpected ways.