On our first day, we made my daughter happy by visiting the National Weather Center in Norman. We were able to see spots where our national weather gurus predict, watch, and warn the lower 48 states. Situated on the edge of the University of Oklahoma, the NWC constantly monitors all aspects of the atmosphere. The facility is less than a decade old and was built with technology and strength in mind.
The central room, visible by every floor, has a unique centerpiece - a suspended, six-foot-diameter, fiberglass sphere on which is projected a representation of the earth and its current weather patterns. Our guide was able to control the projection and spin the globe through the use of a tablet computer (She also turned it into a disco ball.).
Upstairs, are classrooms and rooms filled with computers and monitors. The monitors are observed 24 hours a day, every day of the year. These are the people, along with folks in local weather centers (Ours is in Springfield, Missouri.) are responsible for all kinds of weather watches and warnings.
With Day One of our summer excursion completed, we had to get to bed for an early departure the next day. Stay tuned.