So they say.
But teachers often sell themselves short. Maybe it's humility, but I hear a lot of "I'm just a teacher..."
Just a teacher? Just a human being with the responsibility of educating tomorrow's leaders? Just?
Maybe that's why we often settle for Jeans Day as if it's a big prize to wear denim on Friday. Really, it's not more comfortable than the slacks I wear on other days. I like small gestures of appreciation, but Jeans Day is just about as small as they get. I'm afraid that they are onto us, dear teacher. They know that they can get us to jump through hoops for their permission to wear blue jeans...and it doesn't cost a thing. Even a seal gets a fish for balancing a ball on his nose; all we get it permission to wear a different pair of our own pants. I wonder if we cheapen our own value when we give this "reward" such credibility.
I like to wear jeans, but it's also no big deal to dress professionally. There is something to be said for presenting ourselves professionally to the public and the community. A proper professional appearance can garner respect and appreciation. Those who wish to be respected as professionals and experts should dress the part.
At the same time, I have to believe that there are times when we should dress for the occasion. When we are trekking through a muddy, wet cavern or doing a project with finger paint, we should be given the leeway to wear clothes that fit the activity.
Dress codes for teachers are pretty simple. If we didn't push the limits like teenagers, we'd probably be given more freedom to choose our wardrobes.