We had a fantastic last day. We watched every picture I've taken throughout the school year (almost 1,000!) in a slide show, After a break to sign yearbooks on the playground came my favorite part of the day. Instead of making a speech myself, I allowed students to address the class, and there weren't many dry eyes in the room. Speakers looked their classmates in the eyes and told them how much they were going to miss this family. They told them how much they love each other. A quick group hug and suddenly it was over. I know I sent some of them home with tissues, but I am not sorry to have witnessed such a loving group freely expressing their feelings for me and for their peers. | Another year in the books, and one more step toward maturity. I love these kids and I wish each of them the best of lives. |
People would be surprised to see who the first kid to speak is; they may be shocked to see tears before he ever opens his mouth to speak. They would be impressed to hear how eloquent his words are.
A visitor would wonder at the words. Things like:
I love every single person in this room. | I will never let anyone tell you that you are not loved. |
This was the first class where I felt like I was free to be who I am. I'm scared about next year: I may have to go back into that shell.
I've never been able to show my feelings like I have with you guys. | I love this class so much. It's not just about Mr. Hoggatt - he's an amazing teacher - it's about us being a family. |