(Liberty) Bell Work
During the winter of 1777 to 1778, Washington camped with his troops at Valley Forge, nearly twenty miles north of Philadelphia. Images of bloody footprints in the snow, soldiers huddled around lonely campfires, and Washington on his knees, praying that his army might survive often come to mind when people hear the words "Valley Forge."
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from Mount Vernon's website. Valley Forge In4 from Mount Vernon on Vimeo. |
Art Appreciation
Here's the famous painting of George Washington at Valley Forge.
Liberty's Kids |
Food on the March |
The Winter of the Red Snow
It might seem like the better-known battles involving George Washington and the Revolutionary War occurred in the winter. We often imagine of bloody footprints, frostbite, and illness. Supplies were low and slow to arrive, and baby, it was cold outside, making it even harder for the soldiers under General Washington to be away from home.
Let It Snow
This year, we might long for a Snow Day away from school, but Snow Days in the classroom can be exciting, too.
Music Appreciation |